November 25, 2007
A Wonderful Day
It started to get dark while we were out hiking, and because I'm an old woman now, my depth perception isn't what it used to be the closer to "dark" it gets. All 3 of our big guys were so sweet-they kept waiting for me and helping me over the rough spots. (Chivalry is not dead!)
I realize this is probably terribly boring to most of you, but I wanted to write about it anyway. Only God knows how many more holidays we'll have with all our boys together at the same time. Two of them are adults now. Moving, marriages, friends, etc. could all take away time from "this" family. If you still have little people around, soak up the time you have with them.
Thursday was a sweet gift to me. And you know what the whip cream on the pumpkin pie was? Later in the evening our oldest son actually watched a chick-flick with me!
November 18, 2007
Happy Holidays?
I've lived through:
- losing my parents twice-once to the effects of divorce, once to death.
- "losing" a family because of my parents' divorce
- the loneliness of being a latch-key kid
- losing a brother in a motorcycle/car accident
- 2 babies wait for us in heaven
- we've experienced financial troubles
- plus just the normal stresses of marriage and raising kids
If I look over at that little "FEEDJIT" thingy, I see that there are people who stumble onto this blog that I'll never meet. I think about you just the same. I wonder who you are, and what your life is like. I wonder why you stopped by this particular blog. And this week I've been wondering if any of you are in pain. Or stressed. Or lonely.
My heart is going out to that young couple who lost their baby. They know Jesus loves them and have clung to Him for comfort during this time. Jesus is the one who kept me going through everything that's been hard in my life. I just wanted to offer you the same comfort and hope.
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
You can have joy in the midst of sorrow or stress. Trust me. I've experienced it.
If you're not going through anything particularly difficult right now, you might want to read about the young couple I've mentioned. And pray for them. Here's how to find them:
November 11, 2007
Discipleship Award
Anyway-here's the award:
This award originated with Dan King over at Management by God, who states, "Mathetes is the Greek word for disciple, and the role of the disciple (per the Great Commission) is to make more disciples. The role of a disciple of Christ is to carry His message to the ends of the earth. It is with this heart that I have created the Mathetes Award."Those who receive it are to pass it on to other disciples who are sharing the good news in their own bloggity ways.Here are the rules: Winners of this award to pass this on to five other "disciples". As you pass it on, I just ask that you mention and provide links for(1)the originator of the award (Dan King of management by God), (2) the person that awarded it to you, and then (3) name the sites of those you believe are fulfilling the role of a disciple of Christ.
I couldn't even copy and paste the acutal award to drag it over here from her blog:
I would like to pass the award on to these people:
Rachel @
Jen @
I guess I need my very own personal IT guy. Yep, that would be perfect. He could sit at my feet every time I touch the computer and help me out. My age is showing.
Anyway-thanks again misssniz!
Death Procession and Pygmy Eating Cannibals
No response.
"Well Barrett, you don't have any depth perception yet, so I bet it's hard for you to tell how far below us that water is."
"Um, yeah. What's death procession, Daddy?"
Then, on the way home we were discussing food. We were all starving. It was only natural, since I live with a bunch of Carnivores, that meat would come up:
Barrett: "I want bacon. That's pig meat, right momma?"
"Yes, that's pig meat."
"I've never had meat from Moody Meats, have I momma? Oh, yes I have. They sell bacon don't they momma? We've had bacon before. Does Moody Meats sell pig meat?"
OK-please keep this in mind: I've been the mother of boys and only boys for a very long time. Being gross just comes with the territory. So, here was my reply:
"Yes, Barrett. They sell Pygmies. But I know they don't sell Cannibals."
"What are Pygmies?"
"Well, Pygmies are short people who live in the jungle. They run around eating bananas and coconuts and stuff like that."
"What's a Cannibal, momma?"
Here is where I debated. Do I ruin his sweet innocence and tell him the truth? That there are people out there who actually EAT other people? Would that give him nightmares? Would he throw up in disgust? Should I just make up some weird answer? Tell him to go to sleep? After a 30 second debate within, I settled on the truth.
"Well sweetie, a cannibal is someone who eats another person."
To my surprise Barrett started chuckling.
"That would be funny!"
"What would be funny? Why on earth are you laughing Barrett?"
"It would be funny to see a big person running around the jungle eating little people!"
Psalm 139-a repost of an old post :-)
I originally posted this in 2009, but wanted to share it again: Lately, more than ever, I've begun to see the importance of memorizing G...
Well, Good Morning! I'm not at all sure what kind of writing this will be. Our 2 older sons kept us up until 11pm talking and laughing a...
All I can say is, mom will never leave her poor child under the protection of a particular brother again... Just turn your head sideways. I...
Either way, I am back. What a week! We had so much fun and are now somewhat refreshed. I have several things to write about, but for now I t...