January 20, 2009


Last fall I found a book on worldviews I wanted to read out loud with my 16yr. old son. It's called The Deadliest Monster by JF Baldwin. Have you read it? We haven't yet, because he bases the book on two stories: Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde and Frankenstein. We've never read Frankenstein so I decided we should read that before we read the book by Baldwin so we would know what the guy was talking about as he made reference to the story.

Anyway....for the last several weeks I've been reading Frankenstein out loud each morning, a chapter or more a day. Wow...that was such a fascinating story. I am so glad I read it.

Toward the beginning of the book Dr. Frankenstein says this:

The first of those sorrows which are sent to wean us from the earth, had visited her.....

From what I gather Mary Shelley was not a Christian. But isn't that quote beautiful? That's what the Lord does for us. Sorrows, hard things, disappointments, confusions, broken dreams...He uses all those things to wean us from this sickly planet and show us that it's only in Him that we find our heart's needs met. He is it. He is all we need. And I've noticed that He does wean us, gently, from this earth. Just like a nursing mother weaning a baby. Step by step He shows us there is food that is Eternal and way more fulfilling and satisfying than the things here we cling to and hope in......


  1. Mama Judy,

    Hi! How are you this afternoon? It's sunny for a change!

    Good thoughts. I have not read "The Deadliest Monster", but I might just put it on my list of books to read.
    And now I'm wondering where my brain was when I read Frankenstein. You mention that it was a fascinating story...I just remember being depressed and slightly disturbed.
    Of course, I was 13 years old...and I'm guessing you are a bit more seasoned than that.

    Those were great thoughts that you shared about Him weaning us...moving us away from measly smashed peas and on to solid food.
    His love is amazing, isn't it? Like we've been reading in Revelation: God disciplines those He loves...He loves us too much to let us get too attatched to "this sickly world", as you so aptly painted it.

    Let us always find our satisfaction in Him.

    And may we hope in Him and not in our jobs or government programs or our fragile dreams...only in the King of Kings do we put our trust.

    Shifting to satisfaction in the Lord instead of in our circumstances.
    Now THAT's change we can believe in. :)

    Thanks for dropping by RRR and leaving me those notes! They gave me a big, wide smile.
    Will you smile with me?
    Pretty please?
    Pretty please with Dove chocolate on top?
    See, it's like this: :]


  2. Well, perhaps I take too simplistic an approach, but I'm not troubled by this inauguration. I'm not a fan of our new president's policies and beliefs and it grieves me that Americans chose someone who believes the things that he does. However, I find some positive things about him, and I also believe that God appoints rulers and gives us the leaders we deserve.

    I also do not believe that lasting change comes about through political means, but rather through changes of heart. So I plan to pray for our new president and our nation, and do my part to reach my community for Jesus, who brings true transformation in hearts, lives, and societies.

    You are so right that our trust is only in the Ruler of all, who created it all anyway.

  3. Wonderful words! Thanks for posting this.

  4. Whew! Good thoughts! THAT is the biggest lesson I've learned over the past year. The "that" being, that God uses our brokenness and hardships to draw us away from our own desires and make us see how our only true joy, our only real satisfaction, our only complete contentment is found in H.I.M. In O N L Y H I M!
    Thanks for the thoughts! Amazing stuff!!! :)


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Psalm 139-a repost of an old post :-)

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